The Weblog
This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.
To visit the authoring market’s website, click on the market name located in the entry’s title.
Lake Placid Online Farmer's Market: Spinach Available
Hi everyone,
Beth just informed me that she has some spinach available. Email her to request a bag…we’ll see you on Wednesday!
McColloms Market: May Order is Now Closed
Hi All:
I’ll see you Wed. between 4:30 – 6:45. Just a heads up that our house is in a bit of a shambles as we’re having some projects done. Will do my best to be efficient around the clutter and the plaster dust.
Have a good night.
Palouse Grown Market: The Market is Opening June 2nd!
Hello all,
May has been treating us very well so far, how awesome!
I am very pleased to finally say…
1) Palouse Grown Market officially has been granted the beautiful and centrally-located 1912 Center terrace as the drop off & pick up location on Tuesdays. Vendor drop off will be from 2-3:30, and Member pick up will be from 4-6:30. 2) This location will also be the new home of the Co-Op’s Tuesday Grower’s Market and thus will also provide a festive and Community-oriented weekly event. 3) By having PGM at the same location as the Co-Op’s Tuesday Market, we will be able to utilize Back Yard Harvest’s EBT benefits for our members!
I will soon be sending out Vendor Packets and details about the opening day. Please feel free to email ( or call me (509.868.5596), Holly, with any questions.
I thank you for the patience and support you’ve given Palouse Grown Market as it spreads it’s young wings for a second season.
Very excited,
Market Manager
Heirloom Living Market Lilburn: Last Call - Countdown to Close....
Market closes at 8:00pm
Don’t miss out! — Order before close!!
Heirloom Living Market Hamilton Mill: Last Call - Countdown to Market Close!
Market closes at 8:00pm
Don’t miss out! — Order before close!!
Heirloom Living Market Lawrenceville : Last Call - Countdown to Market Close!
Market closes at 8:00pm
Don’t miss out! — Order before close!!
Jonesborough Locally Grown: Job Opening
Jonesborough Locally Grown announces a full-time position opening in June at Boone Street Market: Assistant Store Manager and Kitchen Coordinator.
Complete job description and link to our online job application can be found here:
Please share! Thanks!
Fisher's Produce Tulsa: Harvest Update
Hello Friends,
Brookside Farmer’s Market starts this week at the 41st and Peoria Whole Foods parking lot. We will have our stand up from 7:30am-11:00. We will still be there taking down afterwards but those are the official market hours. Please let us know if you are not able to make it during those hours to pick up your CSA bag.
This week, we will be delivering to JCT, Brookside Market, and B’nai Emunah.
This week’s CSA share will likely include:
Napa Cabbage
Parsley and few green onions
For those at our JCT stop, we will give you spinach instead of Kale and salad turnips instead of radishes since you got those on the last delivery. Also, we plan to drop off your bags early Wednesday morning on our way into market, probably around 06:30. We will have the receptionist keep them until they are picked up.
GFM : Mothers Day
Wow,Mothers Day is just around the corner. Each of you who still have your mothers, call her daily to tell her how much you love her. I lost mine in August, and I so wish, i could still pick up the phone and call her. She loved to come out here to the farm and work in the garden.
We are going to Celebrate Mothers at the Farmers Market at the Fairgrounds on May 9th,with a special Band “Just Becuz”. Two very talented young Musicians. Bring a lawn chair and join us. We will have a wide array of things available on Saturday from 8 am to 1 pm.
You can order right here on line and pick up your order Saturday at the information Booth. Make Checks payable to greeneville farmers market, or pay with cash.
We look forward to seeing you on Saturday and have a great day.
J. Shelton
Princeton Farm Fresh: The Market is Open
I would like to welcome our grassfed farmer James back today! I am so excited, as I am sure you are too. I have been craving his pastured pork and grassfed beef all winter long. He has pork available today, and will have beef available in two weeks. James has been working hard on his business over the winter to improve production and even went to a conference with Joel Salatin (the grassfed, pasture fed meat guru). I see wonderful things in James’ future as he works to restructure and fine tune his operation for both the well being of his animals and the long term financial sustainability of the farm.
I can’t wait for Friday to BBQ up some of the chops, burgers, and sausage! It looks to be just the nice warm week that will allow all sorts of grilling!
See you all Friday,